Deeknow - featured January 2021

Biographies of participating NZFF members - as featured in monthly banners.

Deeknow - featured January 2021

Postby deeknow » Wed Dec 30, 2020 5:45 pm


OK my turn for the bio by the looks. For the record - I'm a Kiwi, born in cow country up in the Waikato, lived here most of my life apart from a few years overseas in the UK and Aussie. I work as a software engineer (mostly web stuff) which I've been doing on a contract basis for a few years now.

I have a bunch of outdoors interests which some of you will know about from forum posts. Have been solely a motorbike rider for about 20-years now (apart from the last two where I adopted my dad's old car which has made winters more cosy on the commute to work), am into cycling mostly for fitness but over the last few years have been training for and competing in some casual Cyclocross events in winter which is a blast. I'm a super keen skier which is something I can share with my wife and daughter which is cool, and recently have gotten into some alpine mountaineering which has been a lifelong goal finally realised.

Aviation wise, I don't really have any firm connections family or otherwise, so not sure exactly what the initial attraction to simming was exactly. Also I'm an acute sufferer of motion sickness so a professional option to fly was never on the cards. The highlight of my real world flying experience was definitely a jump-seat ride in a 737-300 (Classic, yes Ian :-) just before they were retired by ANZ from Auckland down to Queenstown and back which was simply AMAZING.

Have been a dedicated (or should that be commited, demented?) flight simmer since the heady 4-colour CGA days of FS2.0 in the mid 80's. Game choice was pretty slim back then, as were the hardware options and not really sure what the appeal was but it's stuck for sure. To this day I mainly play sims of one form or another, not really your shoot-em-up kinda player, and even when flight simming tend to operate private or commercial stuff rather than military.

At the moment I'm still running P3D v4/v5 mainly due to a bunch or airframes I like to fly for which I'm waiting on FS2020 releases for. This is partly due to me flying for a virtual airline which happens to use the same aircraft our national airline operates.

OK, that about sums it up. If you feel like reaching out by IM about any of the above stuff do so :-)
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Re: Deeknow - featured January 2021

Postby Aharon » Thu Dec 31, 2020 4:15 am

Great biography but I am bit perplexed and puzzled.

Is it biography on Deeknow the famous administrator of NZFF forums or is it biography on Adamski the famous host of NZ repaint website who wrote this biographical post??

Not sure if the subject heading is correct or typo error since the poster is Adamski.


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Re: Deeknow - featured January 2021

Postby Fozzer » Thu Dec 31, 2020 10:07 am


..similarly confused!

Dean or Adam?

.... :wacko: ... :wacko: ... :wacko: ...!

Paul...A UK Biker... :uk: ...!
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Re: Deeknow - featured January 2021

Postby Adamski » Thu Dec 31, 2020 11:25 am

It's about Dean ... but posted by me ... I forgot to change the user!!! Arrrgh!

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Re: Deeknow - featured January 2021

Postby Splitpin » Thu Dec 31, 2020 6:15 pm

Great reading big D ....just need the banner now.
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Re: Deeknow - featured January 2021

Postby dbcunnz » Thu Dec 31, 2020 6:29 pm

Splitpin wrote: ....just need the banner now.

It will be there at midnight tonight
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Re: Deeknow - featured January 2021

Postby Aharon » Fri Jan 01, 2021 7:33 am


Thanks for clearing the puzzlement up

Surprised me that Deeknow is young man. I thought he would be about 60 and retired!!


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Re: Deeknow - featured January 2021

Postby deeknow » Fri Jan 01, 2021 10:33 am

Haha yeah I like to keep everyone dazed and confused :-)
Thanks for posting Adam
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